"Growing deep roots. Producing good fruit"
Offenham CE First is a school where all individuals are valued and helped to become the best that they can be, fulfilling their God-given potential.
All schools have their own distinctive ‘feel’ which makes each one unique and we believe that the ‘special feel’ at Offenham First School comes from our nurturing and caring family environment. Our school logo shows children safe within a pair of hands - these hands represent staff, parents, governors, PTA, peers within the school community and members of our church and wider community. The logo is also representative of a verse from the BIble.
Isaiah 49:16 - "I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands". "Each child unique and known by God"
Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a curriculum with many opportunities to experience life in abundance. We aim to prepare children for future education; and to help them acquire the wisdom, knowledge and skills needed to embrace the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We also help our children understand where and how they belong - we educate for community and living well together through our school's Christian vision and values so that all will grow to understand the importance of a life lived well in community and for the common good.
This excellent journey begins in our Reception class and continues through the school with staff providing a happy, supportive and purposeful environment, and a curriculum that excites and stimulates children’s imaginations and creative thinking. Our curriculum is enhanced by whole-school immersion days, frequent trips and visits, community activities and a wide range of after-school clubs.
To find out more about our school, we encourage you to come and visit, to see us in action and to meet staff and children.
A call to the school office on 01386442038 or contacting us at office@offenham.dowmat.education is all that is needed to arrange this.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
If after visiting our website, you wish to have a copy of any documents featured here, please call our school office to request a copy. there will be no charge for any of these documents.
We are proud to be a part of the Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust - DOWMAT.
All the information you need about the MAT, including its vision, staff, trustees, policies and annual accounts can be found at - https://www.dowmat.education