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School Policies

Below you will find our school policies. If you would like a paper copy of the documents, please speak to the school office, and we will happily provide you with a copy free of charge.

  1. 2023 - 2024 Safeguarding Child Protection Policy (3) pdf
  3. Anti bullying charter 2023-2024 pdf
  4. Anti-Bullying Policy - 2023-2024 pdf
  5. anti-bullying_decision_tree pdf
  6. appendix-1-dowmat-complaints-procedure-form (1) docx
  7. Art and Design at Offenham CE First School pdf
  8. ATTENDANCE POLICY Autumn 2023 pdf
  9. BEHAVIOUR POLICY 2023-2024 (1) pdf
  10. British values policy 2023-2024 pdf
  11. Calculation Policy 2022 pdf
  12. Child on Child Abuse Policy and SVSH - 2023-2024 pdf
  13. Child on Child Abuse Policy and SVSH - 2023-2024 pdf
  14. Computing Policy 2023-2024 pdf
  15. DoWMAT Charging and Remissions Policy (2023-2024) pdf
  16. DoWMAT Online Safety Policy adopted by Offenham Ce First School - (2023-2024) pdf
  17. dowmat-complaints-procedure-2022-2025 pdf
  18. dowmat-supporting-children-with-medical-conditions-model-policy-2023-2026 pdf
  19. English policy 2023 - 2024 pdf
  20. Equality objectives 2023-2024 pdf
  21. EYFS Policy 2023-2024 pdf
  22. Fire drill procedure 2023 - 2024 pdf
  23. First Aid Policy 2023-2024 pdf
  24. Geography Policy Sept 2023- 2024 pdf
  25. Handwriting policy 2023 pdf
  26. Healthy eating policy 2023 - 2024 pdf
  27. History Policy Sept 2023 pdf
  28. Home visits policy 2023-2024 pdf
  29. home-learning-procedure- autumn 2023 docx
  30. Mathematics Policy 2023-2024 pdf
  31. Music policy 2023-2024 pdf
  32. Offenham CE First School Equality Statement pdf
  33. Offenham CE First School PSHE including RSE policy pdf
  34. Offenham School trips and visits policy 2023-2024 pdf
  35. Reading policy 2023 - 2024 pdf
  36. Religious Education Policy 2023-2024 pdf
  37. Restorative Approaches at Offenham CE First School - 2023-2024 pdf
  38. Safe touch policy 2023- 2024 pdf
  39. Safer recruitment policy 2023-2024 pdf
  40. Science policy 2023-2024 pdf
  41. SEND Information Report 2023-2024 pdf
  42. SEND policy 2023 - 2024 pdf
  43. SMSC policy 2023-2024 pdf
  44. Statement of Intent for pupils with a Special Educational Need and Disability pdf
  45. Support for families 2023-2024 pdf
  46. Teaching and learning policy 2023-2024 pdf
  47. Transition into year one and year four policy pdf
  48. Worship policy 2023-2024 pdf