Roles and Responsibilities
The Local Academy Board (LAB), working closely with our Academy Trust, oversee the work of the school with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team taking day-to day responsibility for the running of the school. The Local Academy Board is made up of parent, staff, foundation governors and co-opted representatives.
School governors have a wide range of responsibilities. They support the Headteacher in leading the school and act as a 'critical friend'. They also have a strategic role, alongside the Trust Board. in setting aims and objectives, agreeing targets, budgets, policies and priorities and monitoring effectiveness. The LAB also evaluates the school's performance through results and data, outside agency reports and the School Development Plan.
Governors monitor Safeguarding and the Single Central Record as well as SEND provision and PPG spend on a regular basis. They visit the school frequently, talking to pupils and staff.
Our School LAB members
The different categories of governors serving on our LAB. They are:
- Foundation governors - these governors can be nominated and serve in different ways - Ex Officio, Bishop’s Appointed, DBE representing the Diocesan Board of Education, PCC representing the Parochial Church Council, joint DBE and PCC, Benefice or Trustee.
- Parent governors who have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school.
- Staff governors who are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues;
- Co-opted governors are appointed on to the governing body by the other members because they come from a specialist group, such as the business community or because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school;
- The Headteacher (HT) is also a member of the governing body by right of the position they hold in the school;
- Associate members are not actually governors but can be appointed to attend meetings of the full governing body. They do not have the right to vote at meetings of the full governing body.
- Each year group, within our school, has a named governor and most subjects have a Governor who regularly liaises with the Subject Lead in that area.
- A DOWMAT Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviour and conduct of each member of the LAB - the conduct principles within the Code of Conduct are based upon the Academy Vision and Values. Please see the document below.