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Pupil Parliament

Our School Parliament

Pupil Parliament Prime Minister – this person is a figurehead for the school and motivates all other Ministers in their roles. The Prime Minister will be asked to take part in public events and will speak at Open Mornings, at the Parish Council meeting and during assemblies and special events. The Prime minister will be motivated and organised and enjoy working alongside Mrs Nicol to bring about changes for the better at school.

The Deputy Prime Minister will support the work of the Prime Minister and will deputise when the Prime Minister is not available.

The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will share responsibility for attending all ministry meetings.

ECO and Charities Minister – this person will be passionate about our planet and our environment and will be concerned about how we, as a school can make small changes that will impact the lives of all of us. They will be the lead ‘Courageous Advocate’ for our planet at school. This person will also suggest and organise charity events with the support of staff so that we can truly understand the phrase – ‘Who is my neighbour’ - and become ‘Courageous Advocates’ for justice and fairness for everyone, both here in the UK and further afield. 

Sports, health and well-being Minister – this person will be passionate about making sport a priority but also about the role that physical activity has on our mental health and well-being. The sports, health and well-being minister will work closely with Mr Blenkinsop as well as liaising with Pete our Pastoral worker.

SMSC Minister (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) – this person will be involved in assemblies, promoting our school vision and our link with the church and our community – thinking about how we can strengthen established links and make new ones. This person will also take a lead in art, music and drama across school and work to find new and exciting ways of developing these areas. They will also help with the organisation of our Eisteddfod 2025 alongside Mrs Nicol. They will also have some responsibility for the ‘Music box section’,  ‘Art box’ and ‘Thought for the week’ section that are on the weekly newsletter. 


Our newly elected Pupil Parliament for 2024-2025 is:

Prime Minister – Mason

Deputy Prime Ministers – Khloe

ECO & Charities Minister – Ffion

Deputy ECO & Charities Minister - Ellie

SMSC Minister – Harry

Deputy SMSC Minister – Isla G

Sports, Health and Well-being Minister –Jude

Deputy Sport, Health and Well-being Minister – Isla D


House Captains

Each house team has elected house captains.

This year the captains are as follows:

Emeralds – Ellie and Jack A

Rubies – Athena and Mason

Sapphires – Harry and Isla G

Pupil Parliament initiatives – 2024 – 2025

Below you will find details of the initiatives independently initiated and organised by our Pupil Parliament members so far this year.

  • Toilet twinning – Ffion and Ellie (ECO and Charities ministers) organised a nonuniform day to raise enough money to buy three latrines in locations throughout the world where sanitation is a challenge.
  • Harry and Isla, our SMSC ministers, organise and lead a collective worship session called ‘Jack in the Box’ each Tuesday for our children in Reception.
  • ‘Prayer time at playtime’ – Mason initiated this after a reflection time in assembly and worked with Khloe to set up a rota and a team to deliver this, four days a week.
  • Diversity celebration – Harry and Isla G organised a half-term flag competition to celebrate our differences. They are creating a diversity display.
  • Jude and Isla D organised an Ultramarathon sponsored event to raise money to buy badminton nets – in total, the children in KS2 raised £786.50
  • ‘Little litter warriors’ – Mason initiated a visit from Karen at LLW to raise awareness of litter issues in our community and across our world


Future plans –

Cultural days – organised by our SMSC ministry

Sign language club – Spring term – KS2 – Isla G - SMSC

Board games club – Spring term – Mason and team to organise

Eisteddfod – SMSC ministry to support Mrs Nicol