Meet The Staff
Offenham CE First School
Headteacher - Mrs Jayne Nicol - who is also our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Designated Senior Mental Health Lead and Designated person responsible for children looked-after and children previously looked-after
Assistant Headteacher - Mrs Liz Daniels (DDSL)
Prevent Lead - Mrs Liz Daniels
SBM - Mrs Angelika Newton
Administrative assistant – Ms Ceri Lewis (Fridays only)
Art Lead - Mrs Tabi Ellis
Computing Lead – Mr Jack Blenkinsop
D&T – All staff
English Lead/Assessment – Miss Gemma Aucock (DDSL)
Maths Lead – Mrs Hollie Johnson (currently on maternity leave)
Music Lead - All staff
SENDco – Mrs Clare Stockford (DOWMAT)
Science Lead - Mrs Jayne Nicol
MFL Lead– All KS2 staff
Online Safety Lead - Mrs Jayne Nicol
PE Lead – Mr Jack Blenkinsop
PSHE/RSE Lead - Mrs Jayne Nicol
Geography and History Lead – Mrs Liz Daniels
RE Lead – Mrs Harriet Butcher (in school on Wednesday only)
SMSC/Worship Lead – Mrs Jayne Nicol
Avon class- Early Years/Y1 Team – Miss Sophie Gillmore (maternity cover), Mrs Theresa Roden (TA) and Mrs Jill Hackling (TA)
Malvern class - Y1/2 Team – Mr Jack Blenkinsop, Mrs Denise Bindley (TA), Mrs Julie Blackbrough (TA) and Mrs Tabi Ellis (TA)
Cotswold class – Y3/4 Team – Mrs Tabi Ellis, Mrs Liz Daniels, Mrs Clare Hodge (TA) and Mrs Julie Blackbrough (TA)
Severn class – Y4/5 Team – Miss Gemma Aucock, Mrs Becky Belcher (TA) and Mrs Clare Hodge (TA)
Lunchtime supervisors – Mrs Becky Belcher, Mrs Jill Hackling, Mrs Mel Taylor
Pastoral worker - Mr Pete English
Governors – Dr Martin Penny (chair), Mr Jack Blenkinsop (maternity cover), Mrs Jayne Nicol, Mr Martin Corck, Mr Steve Webb, Mr Alex Enstone, Mr Neil Le Tissier and Mr Tristan Dovey
Clerk to Governors – Mrs Amanda Webb