Our curriculum is underpinned by our vision - LOVE TRANSFORMATION GROWTH.
Our core values of: Friendship, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility and Truth sit at the heart of all we do.
The school’s direction stems from its Christian distinctiveness to provide an environment in which the dignity of each person as a child of God is recognised and developed; and to promote the full potential of each child through a curriculum which develops spiritual, academic, social and emotional growth and transformation.
Our Curriculum Intent
- To instil a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge through memorable experiences.
- To help children make connections across their learning and the curriculum.
- To encourage a systematic approach that increases knowledge and ensures that children remember more of their learning.
- To plan succinctly for the knowledge, skills and understanding we want the children to learn in each subject area.
- To offer children the ability to talk about their learning, through questions that allow them to demonstrate their understanding.
Our Curriculum Implementation
- To linger longer and dig deeper to enable children to learn in greaterdepth in order to master each individual subject.
- To plan for the knowledge, skills and understanding that the children will gain from each subject area.
- Teachers to support as many connections across the curriculum so that deep and authentic learning takes place
Our Curriculum Impact
- That children make greater connections and understand how the curriculum is interwoven with increasing knowledge being demonstrated.
- That children are more able to talk about their learning in a way that demonstrates their understanding – with them regularly taking part in pupil conferencing.
- That children will become leaders of their own learning.
Our pedagogy
We want children to use learning as a transformative tool and for their learning to lead to growth in all areas of school life to include their academic development.
Our underlying aim is to help children learn more, remember more and to become more independent in their learning.
At our school we believe that:
- Effective pedagogy build on pupils’ prior learning and experience
- Effective pedagogy involves scaffolding pupil learning
- Effective pedagogy is inclusive and takes the diverse needs of a range of learners into account
- Effective pedagogy considers pupil voice
- Effective pedagogy depends on behaviour, knowledge and understanding and beliefs
- Effective pedagogy involves clear thinking about longer term learning outcomes as well as short-term goals
- Effective pedagogy involves a range of techniques, including whole-class, structured group work, guided learning and individual activity
- Effective pedagogy focuses on developing higher order thinking and meta-cognition, and makes good use of dialogue and questioning in order to do so
- Effective pedagogy embeds assessment for learning
As a staff team, we have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of all learners and enables them to experience ‘life in all its fullness’. National curriculum statutory requirements are fulfilled and in addition, our curriculum ensures opportunities are broad and balanced as well as fit for purpose for our pupils, so that they can understand, appreciate and succeed in modern Britain. We believe that the best way to prepare our children for the future is to enable them to acquire wisdom, knowledge, skills and understanding.
We encourage children to think for themselves, to discuss ideas and to use reasoning when justifying their ideas. We work towards purposeful outcomes for our children to enjoy; purposeful outcomes allow us to celebrate learning, whilst developing lifelong learning behaviours such as perseverance, resilience and team work. We encourage our pupils to desire to become the best version of themselves. We encourage pupils to make the most of the opportunities on offer each day to be transformed academically, socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually.
You will find our three year whole school curriculum overviews below. Our curriculum overview runs on a three year cycle to take account of our mixed age classes. There is also further information about discrete subjects in the individual subject folders, also below.
You can access the National Curriculum through our external link on the website's front page or follow this link to the National curriculum -
There is also a Parents guide to the National curriculum in the box below.
Equality Statement
Offenham CE First School is committed to ensuring equality of education, and opportunity for all students, staff, parents, guardians or carers, irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background.
We are proud of the diversity within our school community and have due regard to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- advance equality of opportunity
- foster good relations and positive attitudes between all characteristics and different groups in all of its activities
This perspective is embedded and expected in all our policies and practices to ensure discrimination and inequality are tackled appropriately.
You can download PDF's of the documents or request a hard copy of any documentation on our website. Call the office and speak to Mrs Newton or Ms Lewis. There will be no charge for this service.